Image Data
Dimensions | 3744px × 3280px |
Camera | Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III |
Date Taken | Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 1:19 pm |
Aperture | f/13 |
Focal Length | 28mm |
ISO | 200 |
Shutter Speed | 0.01 sec |
Dimensions | 3744px × 3280px |
Camera | Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III |
Date Taken | Tuesday, December 6, 2011, 1:19 pm |
Aperture | f/13 |
Focal Length | 28mm |
ISO | 200 |
Shutter Speed | 0.01 sec |
TOTAL mommy points if I win this cherished train toy! After being a “wooden” train snob for years, I am kinda excited to introduce this to my boys. But then also worried about how much this will become the new obsession in this house and the wooden table will go back in the corner
Luv your posts Sue!