I’ve enjoyed the past couple of months of catching up on my online drivel and sharing it with you, friends. But I must tell you…
The sucker punches have begun again. In earnest.
And while bobbing and weaving and maneuvering around them to the best of my ability, it’s become clear to me that the best course of action for the time being is to back away from the blog for another while. And from social media altogether.
I’ll be back when the time is right. I’m not giving up on The Spin Cycle…and I sincerely hope that you won’t either.
Promise? Cross your heart?
Know that I’ll miss you, friends…and if you’d like to stay in touch, my email address on my “Contact Me” page is still active. I would love to hear what you’re up to.
As for me? I’m going to try my hand at sailing…so to speak. My course will most assuredly not be a smooth one.
But, when all is said and done…
…I’ll be better for it.
Linking with Shell at Things I Can’t Say