Smaller than The Small One…
We’re talking toddler small…
I was fond of playing with keys.
Makes me wonder why the parental unit dropped the big bucks on wind-up swings and doorway jumpers.
I’m not quite certain what the allure was. Heck…I was only one year of age…but to hear my parents tell the tale, if you gave me a set of keys, I would play quietly with them until the cows came home.
You know…if we had cows. Which we didn’t. It was just a one-bedroom starter unit in suburban middle class New Jersey.
But anyway.
I thought that keys were the bee’s knees. And one afternoon, so goes the story, Mom and I were were playing peek-a-boo on the family room floor. Those were the days…before the concept of object permanence worked its way into my teenytiny brain.
Whoa! Mom? Mom? Where’d you go? Oh…*there* you are, you crafty grown-up person, you! Don’t be a stranger, now…wait! MOM?
At some point during this exchange, Mom realized that she needed to run to the neighbors’ a few doors down the hallway. And, knowing that she would be gone for a mere 90 seconds, tops, she tossed me her keys by way of temporary entertainment and hightailed it down the corridor after closing our apartment door carefully behind her.
What? This was during the early 1970s…that glorious era when choking hazards and the danger of lead paint ingestion and child abandonment hadn’t been invented yet.
Now, Mom was a bright lady. But we all have our moments, and this was to be one of hers. As soon as she had closed the door, she realized that the way back in was clenched in my grubby little one year-old fist.
And then? She did what any good parent in that scenario would do. She freaked right out. There was wailing and hair pulling and gnashing of teeth. After forty-five minutes punctuated by frantic phone calls and a visit from the local fire department {why is the fire department always called, even when there’s no fire?} our apartment door was finally reopened. And when it was, Mom, along with the neighbor lady, the landlord {why did he not have a stinkin’ key?}, and half a dozen of Matawan Township’s Finest all spilled inside to find…
…Me, contendedly fiddling with her key ring. Not a care in the world. Hey, Mom! Oooh…you brought friends…we can have a peek-a-boo round-robin tournament! But, hey…can I hang onto the keys? These things rock, man!
Why am I telling you this?
Because, from what I can gather, it captures the childhood me: Independent-with-a-Capital-I.
And now…some forty years later…not a whole lot has changed.
Okay. I have more hair. I have mastered the art of bladder control. And I don’t shout My kingdom for a ring of keys! Every time that I see a set. At least I try not to.
But I am still fiercely independent.
I mean…here I am, hundreds of miles away from my family and friends…
And I’m ok.
Oh, I’ve met plenty of people. The folks here at 500 Startups meet for lunch and dinner and happy hours and ping-pong and soccer tournaments and weekend getaways. They are always considerate to ask me to join them.
But, more often than not, I decline.
Methinks that theythinks me a wee bit unfriendly at times.
But I’m ok with that.
I go for long runs by myself.
I spend weekend afternoons wandering the hipster neighborhood streets. In the evenings after work, I snuggle into a booth at Panera with no more company than my Kindle, a bread bowl of soup, and free wifi.
And, truth be told, I’m relishing my alone time.
Don’t I miss my family?
Sure I do. I touch base daily via text or phone, and they’re doing great.
There’s no Mom! When are you coming back?
My bride! When shalt thou return?
And I know better to take it personally.
I’ll see them in a few weeks…refreshed, renewed, and ready to tackle the second half of summer madness. It’ll come soon enough.
But for now…
I’m enjoying my keys my own company.
What about you? Do you prefer your own company or the company of others? Or some of both?
Linking with Mama Kat.
My oldest loved keys, too. Toy keys, real keys – it didn’t matter – he loved them all.
As for time on my own or time with others – some of both seems to suit me best. I like to have some time and space to do my own thing, but then at times I like being around others, too.
What is it about keys? Seriously? I’m actually going through a bit of withdrawal here at 500S as we’re on a keyless app system to gain entry to the building. Nifty, but no potential to amuse me for 45 minutes straight.
My daughter loves keys also! When we are missing any, we know to look in one of her 27 purses and bags! I definitely need a mix – I lean toward alone time, but I’m saner when I get a mix! Great post!
Ha! A key hoarder! Love it!
I LOVE alone time and I don’t get it much! ( -__-)
I mean it’s Summer time and the eldest is stuck up my butt 24/7 and the wee one only goes to the sitter from 11-4. So what I wouldn’t do right now to switch places with you for about a week.
Just me…my wine… *sigh*
I’m especially thankful for this slot of time away as my carpet is being ripped out and new floors are being put in at my house. I’d have done terrible things to a child, dog, or hired worker if I was around to witness that big old mess.
Cheers, love. Hang in there. School starts in a mere…what…60 days?
I’m the same way. I love time with my family, but I also love my alone time. I’m actually quite jealous of you at the moment. I love shopping trips by myself, and I enjoy them so much more now that I’m a Mom. They are few and far between.
I’m getting my fix for sure, Amanda. And it’s equally enjoyable when I talk to my family and learn that they’re doing absolutely fine.
Fantastic post! And let’s not kid ourselves about the ‘better bladder control’ part…well, me anyway. One sneeze and…well, never mind.
But I get this post. What I would give to get away by myself. Working is nice, but to be somewhere to just breathe, no kids, no husband.
You are doing great things with your life! So proud of you!
Thanks, friend. You made me laugh at the sneezing part. Reminded me of a really bad experience on a trampoline not quite a year after I had The Twins.
Love your post! I use my work time as “me” time, too. I enjoy the break from household things. Brilliant way of saying it. Visiting from MamaKat!
Hi, Lisa…nice to “meet” you! I loved my 12-year run as a full-time mom, but a little space is definitely a breath of fresh air.
i am definitely the “some of both” gal. when i worked for company (that wasn’t my own) i would spend my lunch hour with my actual lunch and a book. after work, when i wasn’t rushing home to the fam, i may get a drink or go shopping with the girls at work, but lunch time was always my time.
I crave “me” time, Vanita. It’s my drug of choice.
Hellooooooo California!
Great post
Miss you tons but glad to hear you are embracing the moment and enjoying yourself “sue style”!
Cath – Seriously. People back home would have trouble recognizing me out here based on my behavior. In–tro-vert. Kinda fun to wear this new hat out here.
We miss the subtle Sue and the stylish Sue and the shake your groove thing Sue here in sunny, rainy, humid, IL. Ahhhh……what I would give to have your gringo boots dancing next to mine tomorrow eve with Frank’s melodies filling our heads. Party on (or don’t) its almost July!
Poi is TOMORROW? Double damn. My red slacks will have to sit in my closet back home until the next time…
This sounds like pure bliss to me. I have spent ONE night alone in my own house in 14 years. I’ve had business and fun trips without them but to me, being in my house alone is bliss. I need my time alone and don’t get it nearly enough. I was raised an only child… lived on my own for years when I was single and didn’t marry until I was 32. That’s a whole lotta “single” time to just flip a switch to never being alone.
Yes, it is! The kicker is that my husband is the kind of guy who thrives on the company of others…so I daresay that my time away is harder on him than on me. So glad to have “met” you on Sverve!
I think for many of us time alone is a time to renew and refresh. I enjoy being around people, but being around people can be draining. I think a balance would be good …. but balance is not something I am very good at! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time! I can’t wait to read more about your adventure!
I’ll be going on about life in Silicon Valley for another couple of weeks…It’s really weird to be writing a mom blog when I’m not doing much “momming” these days outside of phone calls.
I really do enjoy some “me” time. It really doesn’t happen very often and I cherish every second of alone time I can get. Even if it is a minute of alone time in the bathroom, which doesn’t happen that much either.
I know, right? I recall the days when even a trip to the gynecologist was an outing…
Oh the horror! I remember being locked out by the balcony of our 8th floor apartment in China because my boy pushed the locked button. I think I did what your mom did minus the fire department – wait, maybe if I speak Chinese I would!
I enjoy my me time most definitely and living with families it’s a treat to have a completely alone time feels like a treat. I still enjoy company of good friends tho
Yeah…now that I’ve been here a full two weeks, Maureen? I’m ready for a little balance {and some hugs from my Cherubs}
Love my family dearly, but I wish they would leave me the hell alone a lot more If there is a time in my life where I am living alone, I’m pretty sure I won’t even need a cat to keep me company. (I’d just call the fire department for all my light bulb changing needs.)
Cats? Ew. A dog, maybe. But no cats.
I’m definitely fiercely independent and love my alone time…especially since the twins arrived! But seriously, I think all long distance runners are somewhat independent minded. I enjoy social scenes in moderation but I’ll take that cozy nook at Panera anytime! Enjoy the rest of your stay…like you said, it will all be there when you return!
Funny how twins will do that to you, Allie.
Most entertaining and lovely write! Love the crossed-out keys toward the end.
Thanks for stopping by, Maggie!
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