I’m Sue.
Onceuponatime I was The Desperate Housemommy. I spent nearly two years blogging under that name before deciding to make a clean break
A fresh start, if you will.
*cue Spin Cycle theme song*
I am a mother, an elementary school teacher, and a business owner. I have boy/girl twins who are eighteen, a fifteen year-old son, a superfine man who I love with reckless abandon, a bearded dragon, and an impressive collections of mason jars and Bath & Body Works Housewarmers. I moonlight as a professional volunteer and unpaid chauffeur in the suburban jungle of Chicagoland.
In the past I’ve posted here each Thursday…Mostly because it is the day after Wednesday…but after some rethinking and a two-year hiatus, I believe I’ll settle into a once a month routine.
I’m an aspiring author, an enthusiastic gardener, a voracious reader, and a prodigious karaoke singer.
I could quite possibly have an addiction to social media. And I’m pretty much ok with that.
I’m a picker, a grinner, a lover, and a sinner. I play my music…usually on my piano, in the sun.
I am a woman of faith. If you are not, please don’t let that frighten you off. I don’t typically Jesus my friends without a formal invitation to do so.
I don’t iron.
Also? I have no idea how to fold a fitted sheet.
But I do know how to appreciate the funny in life.
You, too?
Good. You’re in the right place, then.
So grab a fitted sheet and hang with me. You fold. I’ll gab.