Wanna come over?
Well. You have no choice. You’re going to hang with me in my favorite spot in the house for a little while…my Under the Tuscan Sunroom.
But I’m putting the proverbial cart before the horse. Let me back up a few steps by way of introduction.
*clears throat*
As you may or may not recall, My groom and I spent two weeks in Tuscany with dear friends a couple of years ago.
We ate and drank like kings and queens and gluttons, oh my.
We took in breathtaking countryside scenery and strolled quaint cobblestone streets.
And when we returned? I wanted a way to commemorate the exquisiteness of those two weeks.
Not a photo album…
Or a set of postcards…
Certainly not a Hard Rock Cafe – Tuscany T-Shirt
I paced around my home, mental wheels turning…
…until I happened upon the nondescript room just off the kitchen known as The Playroom.
Which was a complete joke. Because in a house with three Cherubs, isn’t every room the flippin’ playroom?
It had army green walls, tattered oatmeal colored carpeting, and it reeked of neglect and lack of purpose.
Then and there, I decided that The Cherubs’ Playroom would be relocated to the basement…and my groom and I set about transforming the space into a sunroom.
An Under the Tuscan Sunroom, if you will.
Solid walls were replaced with through-the-looking-glass views of our gardens.
Three coats of just the right yellow perked things up.
Stacks of Magic Tree House books and scads of Legos were given new homes in the basement
And tranquil details took their places.
It’s a tiny space, really. Not much room for anything beyond a throwback velvet chaise and a couple of accent chairs.
And that’s just fine by me.
But, far and away, the highlight of this room…
What makes me linger and reminisce every time I pass by the open doorway…
Is the collection of photographs shot from my tourist’s vantage point
That now adorns the cheery yellow walls
Of our Under the Tuscan Sunroom.
Do you have a favorite room in your house? Tell me about it!
Inspired by a prompt from Mama Kat’s Writing Workshop