I love me a good sweat.
I have made that clear in the past, have I not?
Running. Gardening. Tennis. Volleyball. Anything that involves sun and exertion and accomplishment.
Now, filth?
Is another story entirely.
And by filth, I don’t mean a wee bit of topsoil up my nose.
I mean mud. Sludge. Murky waters that may or may not contain microscopic creatures that make sweet microscopic love and produce microscopic offspring whilst I share the space in which they wallow.
So you can imagine how shocked I was by my own interest when a commercial aired on the car radio as Twin A and I drove home from her tennis lesson a few weeks ago. The commercial was for The Warrior Dash 5K.
This road race?
Is filth. Defined.
“Eeeeewwwww!” my daughter grimaced, wrinkling her nose. ”Gross!”
It did sound gross, friends.
And strangely intriguing.
I had to know more.
When we returned home, I launched an Internet search.
This is what I found:
Eeeeewwwww. Gross.
I knew I needed a piece of this action.
And the only thing more surprising to me than my own desire to partake in such madness?
Was the boldface type across the top of the Warrior Dash website:
As quickly as my excitement had built for this absurd event
My Warrior hopes were dashed. So to speak.
But time heals dashed hopes, so I was well over the ordeal and perusing Facebook yesterday when a friend’s post caught my eye:
Warrior Dash this weekend — Anyone interested in taking my spot? Does a little run through the mud sound fun? A knee injury will sideline me this year so I need to find a replacement.
Now, a handful of phone calls and a transferred race registration later,
I am slated to be a Warrior.
I will be part of the throng of crazies on Sunday, clambering up hills, leaping flames, and trekking my way through indescribable filth.
Meh. I’m not too keen on the concept of fate.
I see this chain of events as a divinely approved coincidence. As writer Irene Hannon once put it, “A coincidence is a small miracle in which God chooses to remain anonymous.”
Now. I don’t mean to imply that my pal’s knee was whacked by The Big Guy just so that I could have a shot at this race.
But I do believe that all of life’s happenings, as random and unsavory as they may seem in the moment, are part of an enormous, intricately crafted plan that I, in my forty-one years of human existence, cannot begin to comprehend.
So I won’t try.
I will simply have the time of my life come Sunday
When I get to be a Warrior.
**Photos from the Dash are now on my Facebook page! Click here to “like” The Spin Cycle on FB and check them out.
This post was inspired by a prompt from
This week, write a fiction or creative non-fiction piece where fate plays a prominent role. You can write from the position of a complete belief or absolute disbelief in the role of fate in our lives or the lives of our characters.