Happy Thursday, friends. Today I’d like you to follow me to Sverve, my very favorite place on the Interwebs.
Heard of it? No? Well. You’re in for a treat, then.
If you’re a blogger, or if you’re a brand looking to work with bloggers, you need Sverve in your life. Heck…even if you’re neither…just come along for the ride and learn about the neatest thing on the Web since sliced bread.
Which, I realize, is technically not on the web.
But I digress.
Follow me to Sverve’s blog by clicking here, or on the Sverve button above. All will be explained when we get there. I’ll bring the wine. xo
Never heard of Sverves and now I have thank you
Very welcome, Jo-Anne. You should join! The easiest way to monetize your blog that I’ve ever seen. Be sure to look me up when you get there!
Hi Sue! thanks so much for visiting and commenting at my blog! I too am at Sverve and love it! Glad to be connected!
As am I.
Thanks so much for the rec! I am there, as you know!
MIssy…there are half a dozen campaigns on Sverve right now that you’d be PERFECT for. Start applying, girlfriend!