First: A bit of business…Thank you to the 48 entrants for the Thinkfun Daily Puzzle giveaway! Click here and scroll down to view the winner in the Rafflecopter box of the giveaway post. I’ll be emailing the winner today to obtain shipping address information. I hope that they enjoy the puzzle as much as we have.
And now…Back to our regularly scheduled post:
Happy New Year, friends. Did you do it up right?
Boogie on down?
Party until the cows came home?
Me? I spent New Year’s Eve in Mexico in the company of thirteen other family members, plus scads of strangers at an all-inclusive shindig. We were treated to an international buffet of epic proportions, a live Avengers-themed stage show, and dancing to the selections of a disc jockey with an affinity for Laura Brannigan and The Thompson Twins.
And, friends…I partied until the cows came home. *fist pump*
Or until approximately 9:55 pm, when the third glass of chardonnay kicked in and I found it prudent to take a little nappy-nap at the dining table.
My groom, ever the attentive one, was at the ready with my phone camera. He captured the moment perfectly and sent it via text message to our friends back home.
I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve him.
One might be tempted to think that I’m feeling obliged to share the image with you here, on The Spin Cycle.
And one would be wrong if one were to think that.
But don’t you worry about me, friends…I rallied after my power snooze like the rock star that I am. At 10:30, I raised my head, rose from the table, and with a flourish…
I retired to our family’s casita.
Because *that’s* how I roll.
Come to think of it, I spent last New Year’s Eve adhering to a similar timetable.
And the one before that as well.
I’m not old enough to behave this way. And it needs to stop.
Now. I typically poo-poo the idea of resolution making. I think of it as flinging the door to Disappointment wide open and ushering inevitable Feelings of Failure within. What is that crazy statistic regarding how many people fall off of their self-inflicted resolution bandwagon within a month?
I just don’t care to clamber aboard that bandwagon.
Plus…If I decide to make a change for the better? I can do it any old day. Not just on December 31st under the influence of sentimentality, bravado and a glass or two or nine of bubbly.
However. I am breaking with tradition by actually making a resolution this year. And that would be to keep my eyeballs until midnight on the next New Year’s Eve.
That’s it.
It’s a simple, attainable goal. One that will save me from being slapped with the moniker of Ultimate New Year’s Eve Party Pooper.
As well as from my own phone camera.
How about you, friends? Have you made any resolutions for this year? Or do avoid them at all costs?
Do tell…I’d love to hear where you stand on the issue.
Inspired by a prompt from

Call them what you like, the beginning of a brand new year is an awesome time to start fresh with changes that need to be made.
Of course, any day is right for taking care of health and character issues.
But I guess doing it when everyone else does may be more because that’s when people do it and less about being sick of the results of the behavior we’re trying to change.
Exactly. I need to be internally motivated…not by everyone else’s time table.
I haven’t really made any resolutions this year. I don’t think I made any last year, either. I just think of things that I want to do (like exercise more, eat well and be more organized, for example) as goals that I should always be working on – so I don’t place more importance on them at the start of the year. Happy New Year!
Yep. Me, too. On all counts. Happy New Year to you, too, Kim!
I had a bit of the same thought this year. Every year my extended family does a huge getogether on Jan. 1st. Back in the day (early 20s) my cousins and I were always a little haggard from partying the night before. We would spend the first half of the party sitting in a quiet spot all squnty eyed, nursing our coffees, and cursing whoever thought up the idea of getting the whole family together on this of all days.
In the past few years my cousins and I have all kind of settled down, and we watch the next group of late teens early 20s in the family, sitting in their corner, all squinty eyed, and smile. We have all pretty much accepted that our partying days, while not over, have definately slowed, what with kids and responsible adulty stuff. We fought valiently to not grow up, but alas, we lost the war
I can pretty much hang with the best of them any other night of the year. But on New Year’s Eve? Forgetaboutit. Strange phenomenon.
Ha! From my comfy nest, with my head buried in my pillow, I heard the clock downstairs chime 12 times. Then hubby and I listened to the neighborhood fireworks. Half-asleep. Party Animals, I tell you!
And a lot more comfortable than napping at the table, for sure. Cheers.
New spin on the same old New Year’s celebration sounds like a great resolution to me! We’ll be watching for the pic and news at the end of the year!
Not sure what would be less frighteng…the pic of me mid-snore at dinner or of me whooping it up.
*SHHHH* I took a nap from 11:00-11:55, when my dutiful husband woke me up to ring in the New Year. Then, of course, I was awake for another 2 hours and couldn’t get back to sleep, but it’s all good!!
All good, indeed. Happy New Year!
I went to sleep just around the time you did. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog today. I resolved to work on strength this year.
Love that. Happy New Year to you.
Having stayed up for many New Year’s Eve events, I can say that it is over rated. However, perhaps your groom might wake you up at midnight with a kiss? I can’t think of anything better to ring in the new year!
Nah. He’d rather just take pics on the sly.
Me I was in bed at 9.30pm I just can’t stay up that late anymore………..
Looking through the comments, Jo-Anne, you’re obviously not alone. Maybe it’s a blogging thing?
I may be the only person who put bread in the oven in 2012, to take it out in 2013.True story.
I don’t do resolutions – I don’t need to feel like a failure by my own low standards.
Happy New Year!
Alison, I have no trouble believing that. The split-year baking, I mean. Happy New Year to you, friend.
Like you I’m not a big supporter of New Year’s Resolutions but our family did make one together this year and it’s just to ‘do good … just cuz’. It’s rather a vague resolution but we figure it opens up loads of possibilities. Whether its paying people forward with free pancakes or sending 10 goats on a plane it’s all for the greater good (I blogged about it yesterday and it may make more sense if you read it lol). Plus giving to others just makes yourself feel good in the process. A win-win.
As for those resolutions that you promise to lose 25lbs, stop eating frozen cookie dough at 11pm or promising to exercise diligently everyday? Ya, not my cuppa tea and so not going to happen. I do love me some cookie dough.
By the way, we had a very sedate New Years this year and both hubby and I had little naps during the evening (me on the floor no less) while the kids stayed up playing Xbox around us. Ya, we love to par-tay. That’s just how we roll. :s
Happy New Year!
Love it, Laurie. All of it. Heading over now to read up on these goats…
Love it, Laurie. All of it. Heading over now to read up on these goats…
Having a flu filled Christmas in our house I was in bed at 11 pm. Kids tried to stay up till midnight but were miserable and tired….still paying for that. NYE hype + resolutions = colossal disappointment. Not gonna do it.
(ask my sister how much she paid her kids to go to bed before midnight)
Let’s call Feb 9th New Years Eve this year. Surely Frank will be enough stimulation for us to make it to midnight
Ooooh…me likey.
Not the flu part.
The Frank part, I mean. xo
I’m with you on the New Year’s Eve revelry (10:30 pm for me) and the resolutions. This year I wrote a post on the resolutions I’ve made for my husband and children. So far, they haven’t been too eager to follow them, but there’s still time and hope for a change of heart!
Happy New Year!
Heh. YOU made some for THEM? Clever.
Nope. Never do resolutions. I get stressed just trying to come up with a list.
I know, right? Happy New Year!
OK, I’ve put this off for a week – just to THINK about it. And I’ve resolved to let you know what I’ve been thinking . . .
I truly am concerned about the younger generation. There I’ve said it. You KNOW how old I and MY groom are. And now you will know that while you were snoozing at the table WE were on the dance floor for a solid 2 and a half hours – getting down with the best of them! Me in 4 inch heels no less and groom in a tux. AND this was AFTER getting up early on NYE and walking all over DC and NO little nappies in between.
Soooo back to my statement – I truly am concerned about the younger generation and I resolve to continue to push your buttons! Laughing all the way!
You are positively dripping with concern, Dear Abi. Thank you.
You? Are a rock star party animal. And love the resolution. Good look with that.
Thanks, Missy. I’m going to need it, I fear.